Tailoring Support for Workforce Re-entry

HeadStrong Women is a focused branch of the HeadStrong initiative, aimed at supporting women re-entering the workforce. It emphasizes confidence building, work-life balance, and overall well-being. Utilizing the 8-Ways Indigenous learning framework, the program offers a culturally sensitive approach tailored to the unique challenges faced by women in the workforce.

Discover a new path to empowerment with HeadStrong Women

The program is facilitated by experienced practitioners who blend professional mental health and career development expertise with traditional wisdom. This approach ensures a supportive, nurturing environment, fostering personal and professional growth.

Participants will engage in sessions designed to enhance self-awareness, resilience, and practical workplace skills. The program prioritizes open dialogue and respects each woman’s unique journey, integrating cultural elements and learning styles to empower their return to the workforce.

HeadStrong Women is a unique program designed to support women navigating the challenges of re-entering the workforce. We combine the effective strategies of the Menzies School of Health Research’s STAY STRONG principles with the Indigenous Andragogy 8-ways of learning, tailored to empower women in their professional journeys.

What sets our program apart is our commitment to building strong, trusting relationships, ensuring a supportive and understanding environment.

Empowerment Plan: A Journey to Confidence and Balance

  1. Supportive Circle: Building a Network of Support Recognizing the power of support, we guide you in cultivating strong personal and professional networks essential for workforce success.
  2. Resilience Resources: Tools for Balance and Well-being We promote practices that foster a healthy work-life balance and mental well-being, creating a supportive backdrop for your professional journey.
  3. Concerns Catalogue: Addressing Challenges Head-On Providing a safe space, we encourage open discussions about challenges faced in the workforce, fostering a culture of trust and empowerment.
  4. Health Alert Indicators: Recognizing Personal and Professional Stressors Early recognition of stress signs is key, ensuring personal support tailored to your needs.
  5. Goal-Setting Guide: Charting a Path Forward We focus on personalized goal setting that reflects your individual career aspirations, guiding you towards achieving your professional best.

Indigenous Andragogy 8-ways of Learning: Blending Personal Development with Professional Skills

This approach includes:

  • Storytelling and visualization for relatable and impactful learning.
  • Practical and cultural learning aligned with personal experiences and career goals.
  • Community-based learning to enhance professional networks and support.

More Than Skill Building

With HeadStrong Women, we go beyond mere skill-building; we foster an environment where you feel valued, understood, and supported. Our person-centric, non-clinical approach is key in assisting women to overcome workforce re-entry barriers. Join us in this empowering journey towards professional and personal growth.

For more information, download our brochure below, and feel free to contact us. You can also register or log in to make a referral.